Birth Control - IUDs

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General IUD Information
IUDs (inter-uterine devices) are very effective, convenient, long acting, and have very high satisfaction rates compared to other methods. They don’t require remembering anything (like taking a pill every day) and are safe for women who cannot use birth control containing estrogen.

Copper IUD
What does it cost and how long does it last?
It costs $75 for up to 5 years or $90 for up to 10 years.

What is it made of?
It contains plastic and copper.

How does it work?
Prevents fertilization of an egg and/or changes the lining so that it’s less likely for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus.

How effective is it?
About 1 in a 100 women will get pregnant each year (compared to 8 in a 100 with pills and 15 per 100 with condoms).

What are the side effects?
Periods may be heavier, longer, and more painful by 20-50% for most women, but after 3-4 months, they usually get easier.

What are its advantages?
It has no hormones - no side effects outside the uterus.

After a copper IUD insertion: you can expect your regular period to come at its usual time. Your period is likely to be heavier and longer, especially in the first three to four months. We recommend you take ibuprofen (Advil) all the way through your period for these first months to reduce cramping and bleeding. You may also have some cramping and/or on and off bleeding, spotting or brown discharge outside of your period in the first few months.

Mirena IUD
What does it cost and how long does it last?
Around $400 for up to 5 years.

What is it made of?
Made of plastic containing a slow release of a hormone called levonorgestrel (a type of progesterone).

How does it work?
It thickens the cervical mucous to prevent fertilization of the egg and changes the uterus lining making a fertilized egg less likely to attach.

How effective is it?
Only about 1-2 women in 1000 get pregnant each year making this the most effective birth control available.

What are the side effects?
There may be irregular bleeding in the first four months. Periods usually get lighter (less bleeding and cramping). Some women’s periods stop completely, and this is considered safe. A few women will experience hormonal side effects such as headache, moodiness, breast tenderness, bloating and acne.
What are its advantages?
Can be used as a treatment for heavy or painful periods. It releases a small amount of only one of the hormones in birth control pills, patches and rings, so there is less chance of negative hormonal side effects. It is the most effective birth control for women - even more effective and safer than tubal ligation (having your tubes tied) and it's reversible should you want to be pregnant.

After Mirena insertion: You can expect to have some cramping and spotting (on and off bleeding or brown discharge) in the first few months, especially in the first two weeks and sometimes lasting as long as six months. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the cramps. Usually after the first three months, your period will get much lighter than normal and sometimes stop completely (this is considered safe).

To contact our clinic call 604-322-6692 from 9:30 am to 4:00 pm from Monday to Friday.

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